56Friends 52Fans
female Manila, Philippines
What is it in us that makes us feel the need to keep pretending? We gotta let ourselves be.
14 years ago
At first, saying "Hello" seemed so hard, but at the end, you'll see that saying "Goodbye" is much harder.. :-)
14 years ago
Do not love one, not two.. But love the one who loves you TOO.. :-)
14 years ago
Do not love nine, not ten.. But love the one who'll love you until the END.. :-)
14 years ago
Having a sharp memory is great, but sometimes the ability to forget is a lot better.. :-)
14 years ago
haayyy.. natapos na sa wakas ung tour guiding namen :-)
14 years ago
Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? co'z you are just wasting what's god shares to you.. (half meant about love)
14 years ago
When the morning comes and the sun begins to rise, I will lose you because it's just a dream..
14 years ago
You said you'd always be there for me, but you're not.. And it's because of me.. It's my fault.. sorry for letting you go..
14 years ago
A break-up can be a good thing, coz it will give you a chance to re-evaluate your life.. lead you to find someone more suitable.. :-)
14 years ago
he don't got a lot to say, but there's something about him.. That's why I love him so much :-)