56Friends 52Fans
female Manila, Philippines
What is it in us that makes us feel the need to keep pretending? We gotta let ourselves be.
13 years ago
I'm going to get through to you.. And if this is the only way, so be it.. :-)
13 years ago
I want to see beyond my own little world, grab your hand so we can twirl around the galaxy.. :-)
13 years ago
They say, you shouldn't cry for the ones who's not worth it.. I say, remember I'm a human, & I could get hurt regardless of who they are..
13 years ago
Sometimes, we just have to take the most painful words and actions to realize something that we've been denying to see and believe.. :-)
13 years ago
Sometimes, it made me think that facebook should have a status that says "I dont know what's going on." :-)
13 years ago
Don't misinterpret me.. I'm proud of my heart.. You see, it's been cheated, pained, crushed & sewed, but still it works.. ♥
13 years ago
Sometimes we need someone to tell us that it's ok to make mistakes, so that we can forgive ourselves and move on.. :-)
13 years ago
We don't need a thousand friends to be happy, few is enough as long as they accept and believe us of who we are.. :-)
13 years ago
You can suffer the pain of change or suffer remaining the way you are.. :-)
13 years ago
Letting go is hard, but it's not impossible.. All you need are friends, time, and faith for a new love.. :-)