Some garden plants prefer to be pruned in the winter in order to flourish but consider: it’s fucking cold in the winter and maybe those plants should have thought of that before they decided to need to be pruned in the winter. Accept your unshapely fate
Wow why does my body feel bad today “You stayed up past 3am reading your favorite slade/robin fics from 2019 last night” That’s not it. Fanfiction is self care and would never betray me
Brought up Rule 34 to my sister and she actually said “What is that?”... i’m in shock... my older sister, who introduced me to webbed sites on the internet, is now the internet kouhai
Walk of shame as i rumble my trash bin through the parking lot to the side of the road at 7pm only after my neighbor texts me “Trash collection is tomorrow not thursday”
Whenever a friend is like “should i do option A or option B” i’m always SOOOO helpful im like “hmmm... well, you COULD do option A. OR, you could do option B...” #1 person to come to when you need help making a decision