long live long plurks! haha. my next plurk shall be a dot etc
im not even watching ~the godfather as i am plurking now and then!! yea think i shud go back to what im doing before..
feeling so lonely lately.the fact that im the only 1 plurking,and theres only 3 people in my timeline,makes it even worse
hearing Wonderwall always makes me teary/sad idk why??! switching song to Baby rightnow
but no regrets y'all!! i can live without twitter and fb!! *cries in a corner*
RIP my twitduh ILUU. crap i thought i can restore it but turns out that its deleted *forever*
oh ya..forgot to tell plurk that i deleted my twitter. and i cant sign in to fb. internet is hatin me i knew it!!!!!
1 more day until weekend..hell yas
watching thE godfather...best movie of all time yall but this simpsons-oriented brain is ~struggling~ to comprehend