Snow Princess
13Friends 10Fans
Snow Princess wishes
5 years ago
I was someone better. I was someone important enough for people to look for me when I suddenly disappear ---
Snow Princess wonders
5 years ago
If there is such thing as "love". Why is the world not giving me any? How mean can this fucking world get?
Snow Princess wonders
5 years ago
Will it always be this difficult for me?
Snow Princess
9 years ago
There are times, when I just want to look at your face ~ with the stars in the night
Snow Princess
9 years ago
So many words to say. But less action to do :-(
Snow Princess
9 years ago
I'm gonna swing like a chandelierrrrr
Snow Princess
9 years ago
There is just a fragment of memory that a shard's light stays on..
Snow Princess
9 years ago
There isn't anything good about being nice.. and bad bout being mean...
Snow Princess
9 years ago
This went down :v
Snow Princess
10 years ago
welp it went down alright :/