11Friends 5Fans
female Manila, Philippines
one word FREAK hahaha...
Maddi Jane - Rolling in the Deep
naam24 sinasabi
13 years ago
Well your the ICE TO my CREAM the COCO to my PUFFS the M to my M&M'S but mostly your the BEST to my FRIEND
naam24 says
14 years ago
Beauty is not about the FAIREST SKIN. It's about the PUREST HEART.
naam24 says
14 years ago
no amount of words or actions could describe how i feel, but put it this way, I'm not exactly happy.
naam24 says
14 years ago
itsmejonna welcome sa plurk hahaha...
naam24 says
14 years ago
Dreams are what keep us going when real life lets us down.
naam24 says
14 years ago
" A good friend puts up with your worst mood, laughs at your corniest joke, supports your craziest idea & sees the best in you."
naam24 says
14 years ago
never give up wen u still have something to give coz nothing is really over 'til the moment U stop trying...
naam24 says
14 years ago
` why does everything have to be so hard sometimes? .. maybe because if it was easy, we'd never know if anything was worth it ..
naam24 says
14 years ago
thinks it's funny how people say they will be there 4 u, yet when u need someone the most, absolutely NO ONE steps up to the plate...
naam24 says
14 years ago
Life IS. You struggle but you survive with a lesson more precious than the reward of the fight itself.