6Friends 10Fans
male Greensboro, NC, United States
CEO of Syntek Global. I am an independent representative for a MLM company called syntek global. We have a phenomenal product called xtreme fuel treatment that increases fuel economy, reduces harmful emissions, and prolongs engine life!
mysyntek says
13 years ago
Did you know that when you share XFT with someone else,not only do they get those same benefits,but you also get paid.
mysyntek says
13 years ago
FreezPoint is a state-of-the-art winterizing agent for diesel engines. Help your fuel flow better by lowering freeze point of diesel fuel.
mysyntek says
13 years ago
Xtreme Fuel Treatment is a small-dosage fuel treatment this powerful fuel alternative is recently made available to all by Syntek Global.
mysyntek says
13 years ago
There is nothing else like XFL.It improves fuel economy,prolong the life of Engine and reduce Emissions by about 1/3.
mysyntek says
13 years ago
Vehicles are not luxury but they have become necessity. Find a better fuel for your car and protect it from damage.
mysyntek says
13 years ago
If you start your engine without XFT in the tank, YOU ARE WASTING MONEY!
mysyntek says
13 years ago
A 20-Year Track Record of Amazing Results. And NOW, for the first time, it is available to EVERYONE.
mysyntek says
13 years ago
XFT amazing effects on gasoline and diesel engines are UNHEARD OF. And now, Syntek Global brings it to everyone!
mysyntek says
13 years ago
He that is of the opinion money will do everything may well be suspected of doing everything for money.
~Benjamin Franklin
mysyntek says
13 years ago
Syntek Global has chosen to pay people to bring XFT to other people,they pay people like you to spread word about XFT.