The best way in the world to have a breakthrough in your own life is to help provide one for somebody else.
S.T.U.D.Y = Sleeping, Talking, Unlimited Texting, Dreaming, Yawning
It's funny how 1 text, 1 song, 1 mistake, 1 lie, 1 word, 1 truth, and 1 person could change your mood in 1 second.
Oh please, don't pretend like you actually care
Sometimes the only person you can trust is yourself...
I just want to tell you how much I want you, but i'm afraid of your response.
It's me and my boyfriend fighting, so I'm not sure why you think your opinion counts.
Flirting is a single person's way of saying "I'm free!" but for those in relationships, it's their way of saying "I'm bored!"
I don't just want a story, I want a fairytale.