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mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
#Cervical Incompetence
Cervix is the lower part of uterus which is 1inch in length and is tightly closed, so that products of conception are kept in place.
In certain conditions where the cervix becomes loose the products are expelled without pain and bleeding.
Cervical Incompetence - Causes, Symptoms and Treatme...#CervicalIncompetencesymtoms
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
The contracted pelvis is one where the contraction may be at Brim, cavity or outlet or all of them may be involved. In disproportion pelvis may be normal but foetal head may be too big for that pelvis.
Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion - Causes, Symptoms and ...#CephaloPelvicDisproportionsymtoms
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
#CancerofPenis - causes, symtoms and treatment
Cancer of the penis is cancer that starts in the penis, an organ that makes up part of the male reproductive system.
Cancer of Penis - My Med Health Info#CancerofPenis #causesofCancerofPenis #symtomsofCancerofPenis #treatmentforCancerofPenis
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
#cancerofthepancreas - causes, symtoms and treatment
Pancreatic carcinoma is cancer of the pancreas.
Signs & Symptoms of Cancer of Pancreas:
Nausea and vomiting
Back pain
Clay-colored stools Cancer of Pancreas - My Med Health Info #causesofCancerofPancreas #symtomsofCancerofPancreas #treatmentforCancerofPancreas
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
Symptoms of Cancer of Bladder Bladder cancer typically begins in the lining of your bladder, the balloon-shaped organ in your pelvic area that stores urine Cancer of Bladder - My Med Health Info
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
Information about General Cancer FAQs
We Have to Know about the Cancer FAQs
Q- What is cancer?

A- Cancer is uncontrolled and continuous growth and division of defective cells. Cancer FAQs - My Med Health Info
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago @Edit 5 years ago
Symptoms of #Cancer Symptoms of cancer depend on the type and location of the tumor. For example, lung cancer can cause coughing, shortness of breath, or chest pain, while colon cancer often causes diarrhea, constipation, and blood in the stool Cancer - My Med Health Info
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
#Bursitis of The Knee
Knee bursitis is inflammation of a bursa located near your knee joint. A bursa is a small fluid-filled, pad-like sac that reduces friction between moving parts in your knee — bone and skin, bone and muscle, bone and tendons, or tendons and muscles.

Bursitis of the Knee - My Med Health Info#BursitisoftheKneetreatment #BursitisoftheKneesymtoms
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
#Burns causes, symtoms and treatment

Result from scalding by hot liquids, fire electricity or chemicals. Self-care for Burns:
Never use butter, grease or oil on a burn.
Do not burst blisters since they are important in helping the skin heal

Burns - My Med Health Info#Burnscauses#Burnstreatment#Burnssymtoms
mymedhealthinfo says
5 years ago
#BurningMouthSyndrome causes, symtoms and treatment
This condition Is a complex, vexing condition in which a burning pain occurs that may involve your tongue, lips or widespread areas of your whole mouth.

Bulimia Nervosa - My Med Health Info