42Friends 12Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
@皿@ <- 品嘉之眼
mutarock says
12 years ago 1
今天是七夕 祝 有情人終成父母 恭喜老爺賀喜夫人
mutarock says
12 years ago 5
Karma跟雲霄飛車一樣,轉眼間剩不到40 ㄎㄎ
mutarock says
12 years ago 1
mutarock says
13 years ago
我又忘記要和 夏克立 合照了,這會不會變成我每次去SOHO都要做的事情阿。 I forget to have a photo with La Colombe's Boss.
mutarock says
13 years ago
mutarock says
13 years ago 2
mutarock says
13 years ago 1
NY最近的天氣有熱。 The weather is so good~~~but too hot........
mutarock says
13 years ago 3
想不到阿..想不到阿........她今天竟然沒上班 哭哭 T^T
13 years ago 1
Test Test Test from python
mutarock says
13 years ago 2
有沒有這麼難阿,我還在看題目,一票神人竟然已經寫完了 = =a