216Friends 107Fans
female Gurnee, IL, United States
Apple Distinguished Educator, 4-8 Music Teacher, DEN Star, Golden Apple Felliow, Google Certified Teacher, School website
Blog Just trying to make is all work.
musictechie says
14 years ago 3
does anyone know the State law for non-certified staff member to teach a class (and give grades) can they teach 1 period a day or none?
musictechie says
14 years ago 2
watching the 25th anniversary of Les Miz on WTTW, wow, it doesn't get any better!!
musictechie says
14 years ago
Day 2 of state testing, then 20 min classes, of course the FA are cancelled... priorities.
musictechie says
14 years ago 4
So sorry I've been off the grid, life has slowed down a bit... NOW I'M BACK!
musictechie says
14 years ago
Had an incredible experience at ICE this year. The learning was buzzing around and meeting ppl f2f was great!
musictechie says
14 years ago 2
61 degrees today, wow. Makes me want Spring even more.
musictechie says
14 years ago 2
-8 yes, that's the temperature!
musictechie says
14 years ago
New blogpost - Ski the "Black Diamonds!"