21Friends 5Fans
Hamilton, ON, Canada
Kai says
12 years ago
I just went back into my plurks, and apparently this is the first place I announced my University acceptance :-D That feels like forever ago!
Kai says
12 years ago 4
I still don't know how to use this site
Kai says
12 years ago
Kai says
13 years ago
Since this is one of my social networks that's safe from fellow employees..... I GOT ACCEPTED TO BROCK FOR THEATRE HONOURS
Kai says
13 years ago
Finally able to sleep properly.. of course now it's noon -_-
Kai says
13 years ago
Making dinner and singing to Disney. It's a good life :-D
Kai says
13 years ago
There is a special place in hell for people who make gif scenes for Alone on The Water and post them on Tumblr
Kai hates
13 years ago
cleaning, have to do my room and a lot of the house before my surgery so it will be clean when the mum's boyfriend meets us on Sat.
Kai says
13 years ago
That also reminds me of the SPAH RP I was in around the same time where we accidentally kicked out Infra, she was writing the new update..
13 years ago
Sometimes I have little happy moments because Mama still remembers the old RP :')