12Friends 3Fans
female Curitiba, Brazil
I am the Instructional Technology Coordinator at the International School of Curitiba in Brazil. I am a HUGE fan of technology and am so excited about the endless possibilities online! I love learning new tools to use in the class with our students.
mrspereiraclass shares
13 years ago
Have you heard of Class Dojo? Great behavior management tool! bit.ly/qjeX1J
mrspereiraclass shares
13 years ago
and we're back :-)
mrspereiraclass shares
13 years ago 1
Create online newspapers! Online Newspaper Template
mrspereiraclass asks
13 years ago 1
any good middle school websites on Health eduction that deals with topics such as: drugs, social skills, teen pregnancy, etc...?
mrspereiraclass asks
13 years ago
does anyone recommend any good sites for Middle school that has videos on health ed. (topics:-Drugs, drinking, teen pregnancy, etc...)
mrspereiraclass shares
13 years ago
This is AMAZING for Tech Curriculum! CommonSenseMedia
mrspereiraclass asks
13 years ago
does anyone know if students can save unfinished work on Google FORMS to submit later?
mrspereiraclass shares
13 years ago
ePals! ePals
mrspereiraclass asks
13 years ago
is there a way you can save your work on Google Forms to continue later for students who didn't complete it within a class period?
mrspereiraclass is
13 years ago 8
very excited about using this tool! I learned about from the professional development group in Edmodo! Can't wait to see what I can do! :-D