Dhien's :)
49Friends 73Fans
female Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Dream High, I have dream,
When I’m tired I close my eyes
and imagining that my dream will come true,
I believe I can fly high,
I belive that I can go up in that sky
Open my wings fly freely up more then anyone :-)
Dhien's :) feels
13 years ago
so home sick, gra" hbis dtpon bpak... (lonely)
Dhien's :) feels
13 years ago
G.A.L.A.U!!!! (brokenheart) (tears)
Dhien's :)
13 years ago
NP: Ne Yo-So Sick (music)
Dhien's :)
13 years ago
dsen smester 2 tdak semurah hati dsen smester 1... *huh!!!!
Dhien's :)
13 years ago
IP q..... *mrtapi IP :-(
Dhien's :)
13 years ago
pare, everyday is sunday,there is only study-task-practice-exam,full day fulltime,no hang out,no hunting,no shopping coz life is struggle!!
Dhien's :) says
13 years ago
dont grumble n keep fight!!! (gym) (rock)
Dhien's :) says
13 years ago
out from your comfort zone, take more risks, to to be successful * life is struggle n keep fight (yahoo)(gym)
Dhien's :) says
13 years ago
spertix sdah mlai nyman dsni.... :-)
Dhien's :) says
13 years ago
mkax jgan main" sma hati, bsa berabe tw... *ngeyel c diblngin.... -.-"