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male Freeport, Bahamas
boheezee says
12 years ago
"26 things you just DON’T need anymore: [via MensHealthMag]
boheezee says
12 years ago
The Origin Of Life: Chemistry + Biology = Abiogenesis:
boheezee says
12 years ago
The Origin of Life Made Easy:
boheezee says
12 years ago
TED: Laura Carstensen: Older people are happier - Laura Carstensen (2011) Laura Carstensen: Older people are happier | Video o...
boheezee says
12 years ago
Turn Your Old Notebook Into A Touchscreen Tablet - Netbook To Tablet Greg Maxson Tablets are taking over the portab...
boheezee says
12 years ago
so D'souza is proposing if Obama takes office again, USA will be a socialist wasteland? smh. 2016themovie
boheezee says
12 years ago
"Love this totally serious NYT home piece about advanced techniques for "pillow fort" construction." [patkiernan]
boheezee says
12 years ago
TED: Taryn Simon: The stories behind the bloodlines - Taryn Simon (2011) Taryn Simon: The stories behind the bloodlines | Vid...
boheezee says
12 years ago
Did I really hear a like "trying to fit a cucumber into a coin purse" reference on a Disney station? (Yup) [via Romenesko]
boheezee says
12 years ago
"Sex is a part of nature. I go along with nature." - Marilyn Monroe via ecosalon