10Friends 63Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
Our youth and strength last but a day.
You and I, ah! Our hairs are grey.
Friends! Half are in a better land.
moscito says
11 years ago
moscito says
12 years ago
對酒當歌 人生幾何 譬如朝露 去日苦多
moscito says
12 years ago
人生苦短 開會時多 奈何?
moscito says
12 years ago
Would I feel better after time in the pool??
moscito says
12 years ago
紅襪的總教練瘋了, 三個人換掉三個投手。
moscito says
12 years ago
moscito says
12 years ago
討厭的 apple,新的 iphone 上的 app 在舊的不能動
moscito says
12 years ago
two rejections, what a great day
moscito says
12 years ago
CHES 2012 的 PC Chair 寄信給大家:請問你對審稿報告有什麼意見,以下是貴稿件的審稿報告:

: : : <$comment>
moscito says
12 years ago
聽到一個消息,看來學術上的無恥也可以是無止境的 ..............