23Friends 38Fans
female Pasig City, Philippines
Loves books, food, running, gadgets, journals, fountain pens, essential oils, dogs and knitting needles. Can be found blogging as Personal Geographic and crafting online as Knittipina.
Knittipina is
15 years ago 2
bouncing back from the flu.
Knittipina says
15 years ago
back from Shang mall, with a new pen and handmade papers :-)
Knittipina says
15 years ago 2
good morning, House of Plurk! Happy Friday!
Knittipina says
15 years ago 2
just watched Sherlock Holmes. There's more chemistry between Holmes and Watson that between Holmes and Adler!
Knittipina says
15 years ago
internet is back after 24 hours maintenance! Yay! (dance)
Knittipina says
15 years ago 3
Knittipina says
15 years ago 2
good morning, House of Plurk! Happy Wednesday! (wave)
Knittipina is
15 years ago
peeved at FB chat, my system slows down.
Knittipina is
15 years ago
uploading pix of her Baguio trip to her Multiply site.