6Friends 81Fans
female Newfield, NY, United States
I live in a beautiful area in upstate New York.I've been married 30 years, have 2 grown daughters,and 2 cats.I teach 4th and 5th grade special needs students in a rural school district.Find me on Ravelry and Blogger mommatwigknitter
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
Haven't been on lately. Hope everyone is doing well. Snow day here today.
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
happy Thursday everyone!
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
off to spin and relax after a wonderful dinner of chicken cordon bleu.
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago 1
not sure who had the idea to make pleated drapes for the downstairs picture window, but it is going to be a job! 1 panel done.
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
got to use my new stove and oven last bught! Modern appliances are wonderful! :-D
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
stove arrived around 12:30! Already made chocolate chip cookies and have a meatloaf and baked potatoes in the oven. (hungry)
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago 1
stove is supposed to come between 1 and 3 todat, but...we have a winter storm warning and are supposed to get 6 - 10 inches of snow!
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
there is so much to do, but I am focused on the kitchen and can't seem to get motivated to do anything else.
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago
the gas pipes are installed! Now just to wait until the stove is delivered tomorrow.
mommatwigknits says
14 years ago 1
well the gass is shut off,the stove and oven are unhooked at out of the wall.Just waiting for hubby to get home to take out the 2 cupboards.