26Friends 29Fans
male PA, United States
Barred from plurk at work :-( Hope to plurk in the evenings and on weekends or now via Plurka on my Droid.
mojo13 has
14 years ago 3
an appointment this afternoon and is not really interested in going. oh well...
14 years ago 29
had a salmon 'burger' with black-eyed pea salsa for lunch (mmm). as far as fish goes, it was surprisingly good.
14 years ago 5
drove in to work in terrible, snowy conditions only to find out that all the nearby schools are letting out around noon.
mojo13 has
14 years ago 4
a full schedule this week (unsure)
14 years ago
Knight of Wands... please let it mean escape from this current drudgery!
mojo13 is
14 years ago 8
freezing this morning! i suppose our canadian friends will think we're losers, but in my book it's COLD!
mojo13 has
14 years ago 6
drawn the Two of Swords. Not too shabby...
mojo13 shares
14 years ago 20
listened to an NPR story yesterday about our new local accent. this video is quite instructive. Philly Tawk: The Phluphian Dialect
mojo13 has
14 years ago 7
work to do and then must do errands, etc. i'll have to get going then! pyl (wave)
14 years ago 6
i read this article about Madonna's trainer and realized two things: (a) i need to stop reading this crap