mojo13 shares
13 years ago
listened to an NPR story yesterday about our new local accent. this video is quite instructive. Philly Tawk: The Phluphian Dialect
latest #20
13 years ago
it's what everyone sounds like up here
Che Rex
13 years ago
my first girlfriend was from PA, and tawked luyk that.
Nanknits says
13 years ago
the subtitles actually made it harder to understand. (LOL)
13 years ago
it's not the easiest accent in the US to master, it's true
13 years ago
the funny thing is, nan, i could at least get a sense of what it was from the written word. the spoken part was incomprehensible to me!
Nanknits says
13 years ago
I'm from Missouri. We just add Rs where they don't exist. Okay, it's a bit more than that, but that's the main thing. (LOL)
13 years ago
lol. i've never known a MO accent! all those extra Rs must be work (gym)
Nanknits says
13 years ago
warshing the dishes can be hard. ;-)
13 years ago
(LOL) i've heard that one here too.
Nanknits says
13 years ago
Now I live in Warshington! My boys teased me no-end when they were little.
13 years ago
(LOL) i guess that's not a popular pronunciation in washington?
Nanknits says
13 years ago
nope. (LOL) I CAN say it correctly, it's just part of my identity not to!
13 years ago
lol... interestingly, they talked about 'roots' and identity as related to accents on the NPR show, though i didn't hear the whole show
13 years ago
to say for sure. still, it's an interesting topic, at least to geeks like me who notice such things.
msesheta says
13 years ago
that was really interesting!
13 years ago
shelley: i thought so
13 years ago
13 years ago
I think some Philly people filtered down to Virginia when I lived there. I heard some people who sounded luyk that, but not as bad!
13 years ago
also: Warshington annoys me! :-P
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