49Friends 23Fans
female Parkers Prairie, MN, United States
I am a science teacher in rural Minnesota, interested in getting kids outdoors for learning and using technology to move my classroom into the 21st century.
mnsciteach says
10 years ago 1
Went out on a little remote nearby lake to kayak today...Probably the last time before school starts.
mnsciteach says
10 years ago
Google Form problem: postung it on Google classroom, but still gives the option to edit. What am I doing wrong?
mnsciteach says
10 years ago 1
Already staying up too late working on school stuff!! (doh)
mnsciteach says
10 years ago
First day back for workshops today. Lots to do...Doesn't feel like I got enough done!
mnsciteach says
10 years ago 1
Off to Brainerd for College in the Schools workshop.
mnsciteach says
10 years ago
Anyone know how to invite someone as a fake student to your Google Classroom, so they can see the student side? Can't get it to work. Teacher is not in my school.
mnsciteach says
10 years ago
At the dentist getting fillings...Fun stuff!
mnsciteach says
10 years ago 2
Had to have the conversation with the vet this morning about our oldest pony. She has liver issues and lost a lot of weight. Still happy and eating so not yet, but breaks my heart to think of it.
mnsciteach says
10 years ago 1
Ok...Not necessarily for or against Common Core, but tired of people trying to turn it into some sort of government plot!