77Friends 76Fans
female Port Angeles, WA, United States
Love the Pacific Northwest area and traveling, enjoy teaching and time off in the summer, hiking, camping, kayaking, biking, knitting, reading, music are just a few of life's many pleasures...along with my dog, two sons, and my witty husband.
10 years ago
Student council speeches tomorrow for 6th graders. I hope they are ready and all are entertained!
10 years ago 1
Having a new teaching partner each year is really wearing. Conferences are coming up starting next week. Feeling like I could use a HOLIDAY or something!
10 years ago 1
Going to go work on a couple potential art projects for this month. Sometimes it is just good to play.
10 years ago 3
Sometimes a Tuesday feels like a Thursday. Open House tomorrow night, so Friday can not come TOO SOON!
10 years ago 2
Camped at Mora Friday night and paddled at Lake Crescent today. What an amazing weekend. Not ready to give it up to the work week yet.
10 years ago
Have a long list of things to do but the sunshine calls my name!
10 years ago 1
Glad the weekend arrived. Feeling the need to recuperate.
10 years ago
Looking forward to another great day with 6th graders. A four day work-week helps make it doable!
10 years ago 1
There was potential brewing in the classroom today. I don't want to jinx the feeling!
10 years ago 1
Looking forward to the first day of school with students tomorrow. No, really, honest! (woot)