Alice O
2Friends 3Fans
female Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I like Foods | Photography | Graphic Design | Swim | Jazz | Psychology

I love the color BLUE.
I like SUSHI.
I enjoy having Good Food, spending time at home and watching the Movies.
I'm very passionate towards Swimming & Running.
Alice O
14 years ago
Cinta ini ku persembahkan setulus hati kasih.. kepadamu..
Alice O
14 years ago
baru pas makan laksa~ nyam nyam~ terjumpe mimie ezaty td.. huhuhuu u.u
Alice O
14 years ago
Alice O is
14 years ago
Finally Lee DeWyze won the American Idol season 9. hmm ^.~ Wished Crystal got the title but anyways... Best of luck to both of them :-P
Alice O shares
14 years ago
Alice O is
14 years ago
Fuuyoohh~ mengerikan~ td terdapat lintas pintas kat opis yg menyebabkan asap berkepol-kepol dan bau hangit wayar yg terbakar...
Alice O is
14 years ago
Been feelin' so down today.. why? I don't know... :-( :-(