2Friends 1Fans
female Tangerang, Indonesia
Hey you!
It's me!
RUNner says
11 years ago
It was really hurt..
RUNner says
11 years ago
I'm strong enough! Jangan nangis di angkot! ^^9
RUNner says
11 years ago
It's too much.. Should I act like a crybaby (again)?
RUNner says
11 years ago
Lagi-lagi saya bertanya2,apa saya ini terlalu egois? Terlalu banyak maunya?
RUNner says
11 years ago
Please,show me your affection.. I need it.. It's very dangerous if your partner seek for affection from the other..
RUNner says
11 years ago
I've just cried a lot.. So refreshing! But I need to tell you this unpleasant feeling too.. So,it's going to be pleasant again.. :-)
RUNner wonders
11 years ago
Am I the only one who care? Am I the only one who feel lonely? Am I the only one who miss our quality time?
12 years ago
Ga ngerti,kenapa kok rasanya kangen masa yg lalu.. Dia yg dulu.. I think ehm don't really care about me like ehm do in the past.. :/
RUNner bilang
12 years ago
30 persen lagi.. yeyeyey..
RUNner bilang
12 years ago
DOUSHITE!? He's so annoying,I think.. Gahh..