(melly, sudah berteman 3 tahun) : "Mar lo nikah gih supaya sahur ga sendirian" Gw : "Melly gw bukan muslim" Melly : "hah??"
even though you "don't mean it", you can and you will hurt people. The intention doesn't matter.
Leonard Nimoy died, I am crying so hard rn
tugas level s2 bukannya banyak sih, cuman susah. dulu waktu s1 emang banyak bgt tp yg penting tekun bisa selesai, yg sekarang semuanya harus dipikirin + dicari terminologinya sebelum dibuat
I would give out my liver now so I can be at the Tokyo DisneyLand (futureland) with their strawberry popcorn right at this moment
Melly : (liat bayi tersandung) "HAHAHAHAHHAHA bayi goblok (terus keselek soda)" Me : "HAHAHAHHAHA MELLY GOBLOK"
graduate school is really hard I don't understand 90% of shit
i just want to punch god in the face
ujian statistik tadi berdoa saja....