96Friends 264Fans
male Quezon City, Philippines
3rd World Marketing Strategist

Oh and mikevillar.com
Mikey says
14 years ago
Props to the SMARTcares team. wonderful job leveraging Foursquare as an ad/announcement platform
Mikey says
14 years ago
Super traffic around Megamall. I heard vampires caused it.
Mikey says
14 years ago
Listening to Sarah McLachlan's new album "Laws of illusion". So far, I hear no /wrist songs that holds a candle to "Angel" sup with this?
Mikey says
14 years ago
Learning OmniPlan to complement my mediocre-at-best #ProjectManagement skillz. #mac
Mikey says
14 years ago
This action figure was one of my favorite toys growing up. Actually think I stole mine from Pimplepopper #Gijoe ping.fm/GtDFX
Mikey says
14 years ago
Also, Air Crash investigation is up next! #tvnightofextremeendlessfun
Mikey says
14 years ago
watching nat geo and really, am I the only one who thinks Nostradamus is full of shit?
Mikey says
14 years ago
One of the more unique items on the cafeteria's menu today: "Hotdogged Chicken" God, I love this place
Mikey says
14 years ago
The wife finally got her license and is going to be driving alone for the first time today. My feelings lie between "Glad" and "horrified"
Mikey says
14 years ago
My dad just flew in from the US and, for pasalubong, gave me a bunch of Abercrombie stuff. My douchebag kit now nears completion!