1Friends 0Fans
10 years ago 1
Try 1
michael_diong says
10 years ago
Hungry, but i dunno whether or what time i should eat, all the time messed up...
michael_diong says
10 years ago
michael_diong says
10 years ago
I think i lost my heart. Never found it again.
michael_diong says
10 years ago

Too many people complain i post too many photo on fb... Can i just post it here?? XD
michael_diong says
10 years ago

michael_diong says
10 years ago

悲哀ing.... Hahahaha...
michael_diong says
10 years ago
人生有太多的苦衷, 无奈, 和遗憾... 有些对不起就是这辈子都说不出口... 有些我爱你,这一辈子都不能说... 有些误会就是永远也解不开... 只能更珍惜现在拥有的, 因为不知道几时慢慢的, 在眼前的东西都会渐渐的消失... 剩下的就是离开的背影, 和零碎的回忆.......
michael_diong says
10 years ago

I m really sad....
michael_diong says
10 years ago 3
You might have ruined a part of my life, but i will make sure i will destroy your whole life when you are at the peak of your success!