Mikaela Gil
14Friends 4Fans
female Philippines
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago 1
Hello =)))))))))))))
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
a day spent with friends is always a day well spent...
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
A good friend will help you up when you fall...best friends will just laugh and trip u again! :-P Luv all my besties!! :-D
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
is bouncing around in her bubble of joy!
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
i am who i am, i say what i say, i wear what i wear, i do what i do... if you dont like it then fuk off pretending to be my mate!!
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
"Happy people don't necessarily have the best of everything, they just make the best out of everything they have."
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
"When you strive to become better than you are, everything around you becomes better too" :-)
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
is simply me :-) dont like me...not my problem..take me as i am or dont take me at all :-)
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
Mikaela Gil says
12 years ago
Avoiding me isn't going to change anything..so why not just come out and say what you wanna say and get it over with?