My father dyd many yrs ago & yt wn sumthng spxal hpns 2 me I 2k 2 him secrtly not rlly knwng wder he hears but 8 mkes me fl btr 2 haf blve 8
busy au aQna life wui.....
...salad nga bunaw!!!>......
Your voice makes me tremble inside
And your smile is an invitation
For imagination gone wild.
You will never know true happiness
until you have truly loved,
and you will never understand
what pain really is
until you have lost it.
I was born
when you kissed me.
I died
when you left me.
I lived a few weeks
while you loved me.
My heart bleeds no more.
Now it's been turned to stone...
....sAlad ngA bugNaw.... dli nNG INIT Hap!!!!