20Friends 8Fans
female Absecon, NJ, United States
meowga\(●)/ says
12 years ago
Aaaaaaaaaargh....... Awkwardness!!!!!!!!!
meowga\(●)/ says
12 years ago
If you figured something is wrong with me it probably is and there is nothing to do about it
meowga\(●)/ says
12 years ago
Just me and my funny skirt
meowga\(●)/ says
12 years ago
I freaking loooove the rain!!! Oh how I miss getting my shoes soaked and going in an air con room!!! :-D
meowga\(●)/ says
13 years ago
i need hugs
meowga\(●)/ says
13 years ago
What the?! Tomorrow only have one lesson and we have to stay back until the end for some Ang mo kio trip?! D:-<
meowga\(●)/ says
13 years ago
I am disappoint
meowga\(●)/ says
13 years ago
Ordinary level ----> advance level... Where is the intermediate level?!
meowga\(●)/ says
13 years ago
Seems like my self esteem is at an all time low.
meowga\(●)/ says
13 years ago
Aaaaaaaaargh!!! Why yellowwww?! (kay lah at least not red) but still, why not grey blue or greeeeeeeeen?! ;_;