29Friends 12Fans
female Hekinan, Japan
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
"You can't change someone's behavior, all you can do is remind them, and hope that Allah will change their heart."
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
selesai sudah buat bday cake for qash
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
this is crazy
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
His reply to you is guaranteed but in the way He chooses,not the way you choose & at the moment He desires,not the moment you desire.
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
If you make intense supplication & the timing of the answer is delayed, do not despair of it.
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
frozen again
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
dop tau cmno nok masukkn gambo dale hp. pahtu dop need to get use to it first
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
okay dh habis bg semua haiwan peliharaan mkn & siram pokok2 bunga, satu taman. pheww.
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
gila scary movie niy.
melodymilikqa says
11 years ago
well, status fb akan jd mengundang topic bg penggemar selfie. Okay actually niy topic I ngn membe I. So jz nk share our thought.