Night night all twitter folk! Doing this from plurk as Twitter seems to be down... dangit...
Wow... haven't used Plurk in 3 days. Tis cos of the new Twitter addiction I spose........
OMG YAY I just saw Uniqlo advert on British TV!!!! EPIC!!! I thought it looked like something Uniqlo would do....
Soon be Supernatural & Pizza time!!!!! *squeeeeeeeeeeee* I've sorted calmed down, not obsessing over it atm... distractions are goooood.
Naoooooooo they're gonna make Olivia Dunhams life hard.... dont want bad things to happen to her....... Love Fringe. Love both JJ's.
Peter Woodward in the newest ep of Fringe. My daddy will be pleased.
DAMN Gilmore Girls... its addictive... which is why I have seasons 1-4 on DVD... I wanna watch Fringe, not repeats I've seen already!!
Awwwwwwww I missed unhealthy amounts of Gilmore Girls while we didnt have freeview!! *sob* Thank god.... freeview....
OMGOMGOMGOMGOGOMGMOGMOGMGOMGO WE HAVE DIGITAL BACK! They finally fixed it! I have E4 again! I can watch HIMYM and complain at the cutting!