34Friends 7Fans
female Seremban, Malaysia
visit my blog to know me better =D
meikuen says
13 years ago
morning all.. weekend is here....
meikuen says
13 years ago 4
after months of not opening plurk.... i though it would at least be a little more interesting.. guess i'm wrong..
meikuen says
13 years ago back
meikuen says
13 years ago
Back in melaka and going to work tomorrow again.. gosh.. money money come!
meikuen says
13 years ago
Plurk is so boring...
meikuen says
13 years ago
The weather is killing lately... wonder whether its the end of the world..
meikuen says
13 years ago
Long distance sucks
meikuen says
13 years ago
Lalalala spam spam spam
meikuen says
13 years ago
Morning everyone... Its Monday already
meikuen says
13 years ago
Even though i am used with the fact my bf is a sea away frrom me,im still not liking the whole idea..LDR sucks