Glass Doll
8Friends 2Fans
female Raleigh, NC, United States
A sleepy video gamer and RPer who dreams of oceans and mermaids.
Glass Doll
7 years ago 1
okay, let's see how long I can remember to check on plurk this time
Glass Doll
8 years ago 11
Hmmm. Nier 2 or Mass Effect: Andromeda
Glass Doll
8 years ago 3
[Ahalpuh] /stares at app with dread
Glass Doll
8 years ago
Okay, brain, cool it with the brain zaps. I have work and RP to do and I can't concentrate if it feels like someone's grabbed my brain and given it a good shake
Glass Doll
8 years ago 4
whoa, my plurk is in need of a serious dusting
Glass Doll
8 years ago
and hopefully I'm back. whew, its been a while, plurk
Glass Doll
8 years ago
[Undertale] /just got pranked across space-time by Sans/ God, this game is so good.
Glass Doll
8 years ago 4
Glass Doll
8 years ago 16
Can I get some RP advice?
Glass Doll
8 years ago
ah. so this is one of those nights where I just don't sleep. awesome