31Friends 18Fans
female Philippines
bbyam says
12 years ago
Friendship is a rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colors: secrets, truth, sadness, faith, happiness, respect and love :-D
bbyam says
12 years ago
rainy afternoon everyone :-))
bbyam shares
12 years ago
#bored #me #edit-edit #love #myself
bbyam says
12 years ago
You say you don't want to lose me,, but you're the one pushing me away..:/
bbyam says
12 years ago
Silence doesn't always mean YES. sometimes, silence means LOADING...:-D
bbyam says
12 years ago
Explanation is just another word for Excuses.
bbyam says
12 years ago
My life, my choices, my rules!
bbyam says
12 years ago
soo tired :-(
bbyam says
12 years ago
goodmorning :-))
bbyam says
12 years ago
BRB :-))