25Friends 25Fans
male Melaka, Malaysia
Photography is my hobby hehhe check out my blog at enjoy!
maxgoh says
13 years ago
headache-ing about which is better ==> LightRoom 3 or Aperture 3
maxgoh says
13 years ago
Just back from Kuantan for Wedding Shots...Photos will be uploaded soon~
maxgoh says
13 years ago
maxgoh says
13 years ago
trying hard on green poison jailbreak....hopes everything fine~~~
13 years ago 1
Gong Xi Fa Cai everyone!!!! wishing you enlarge your wealth and wish your dreams come true in this Chinese New Year.
maxgoh says
13 years ago
finally jailbreak..............
maxgoh says
13 years ago 1
羽球-ing , long lost exercise...... I think now hit FLY more than hit ball .......
maxgoh says
13 years ago 1
一個新手去收高利貸。他把借條拿出來,笑著說:白紙黑字明明白白地寫著你欠我100萬!難道你想賴帳?! 人家表示確實沒有那麼多錢,他威脅道:哼哼!別怪我沒提醒你!明天再交不出錢,你的房子就像它一樣——他掏出打火機就把借條燒了……
maxgoh says
13 years ago
argh..... still have tons of photos waiting for edit. stay tune guys...........
maxgoh says
13 years ago
Ho Ho Ho ... ... ... Ho Ho Ho