23Friends 10Fans
male Holliston, MA, United States
I'm a media artist, doing a lot with sound these days (experimental electronic with metal on the side), a social media philosopher, and stuff..

mattsearles is
15 years ago
On a more positive note.. I have been connecting up with old College Friends from Mass Art days.. feels good to breath that artist air
mattsearles is
15 years ago
I should not be still up.. I need to get up early tomorrow go drive to see my sister in the Hospital..
mattsearles is
15 years ago 1
err, so what do you think of this here new flyer design: I'm not sure what I think of it..
mattsearles is
15 years ago 1
wow, just checking out an old friend on linkedIn.. she looks as she did 10 years ago.. she was 40 then, passing for 29
mattsearles is
15 years ago 1
ok, dad's pills done.. check
mattsearles is
15 years ago 1
getting ready for webinno.. lots to do before I leave *sigh*
mattsearles is
15 years ago 2
must get food and see a movie.. then get some of my life in order.. see, priorities are backwards.. thats my real problem
mattsearles is
15 years ago 3
post on my creative process with electricacoustic music production / composition (relevant to creative mangement)
mattsearles is
15 years ago 2
I seem to be such a bad plurker
mattsearles is
15 years ago 1
Taking a break from more music production work.. I seem to be on some kind of a roll