debbie martina
69Friends 45Fans
female Bandung, Indonesia
i'm debbie martinna .
i'm not a girl , not yet a woman :-D
just a young woman who had many dreams and hopes
:-) ;-) :-P
Selena Gomez & The Scene - Naturally (Dave Audé Remix)
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Sandy sandoro - malam biru (Blue Night)
debbie martina
13 years ago
that should be me !
debbie martina
13 years ago
my nephew very annoying (annoyed)
debbie martina
13 years ago
baru balik dari jakarta, cape lah .. (:
debbie martina
13 years ago
karma = down (sick)
debbie martina
13 years ago
karma gue ngga indah bgt ! (annoyed)
debbie martina
13 years ago
closed my eyes and pray "bismika allahuma ahya wabismika amut" (wave)
debbie martina
13 years ago
ga ada dalam KAMUS B-)
debbie martina
13 years ago 2
ahaaha, down drastis (annoyed)
debbie martina
13 years ago
Lusa BrunoMars come in . hha :-)) (dance)
debbie martina
13 years ago
pretty girl rock ,, :-P