10Friends 32Fans
male Düsseldorf, Germany
IT Consultant, married, two kids... more later :-)
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
MarinesEtwas asks
15 years ago
If a tv-set was software: Would users say "it does all i need, but can we move this button left and add radio to it?"
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
Will Ferrell: You're Welcome America - A Final Night with George W Bush - Wood (HBO)
MarinesEtwas thinks
15 years ago
this grade really goes down if this tool isnt used for some time... ... it shouldnt be in the center of attention all the time. #grade
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
Coldplay - Life In Technicolor ii (HD)
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
How about a Masai Baby Girafe? gg Masai Giraffe Born at the Houston Zoo - Jan. 30, 2009
15 years ago
Happy i'm home now. Checking Bloglines. Still like it better than GoogleReader. Old dog new tricks?
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
Fry & Laurie kicking ass A Bit of Fry and Laurie - Kicking ass
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
720p: Band from TV - TV DEBUT - on Tonight Show with Jay Leno Jan 16 2009
MarinesEtwas shares
15 years ago
A Love Story in Stop Motion --