a.k.a mArco
28Friends 9Fans
male Iloilo, Philippines
a.k.a mArco thinks
15 years ago 6
it's time to let go of plurk...ehehe
a.k.a mArco
15 years ago
congrats graduates
a.k.a mArco
15 years ago
today i did nothing...and it pains me to think i shud have done a lot of things...pffft
a.k.a mArco
15 years ago
excited for holy week...i hope everything will go as plan...uhmm wait? there isn't a plan...ahaha
a.k.a mArco needs
15 years ago
to look for bhaws...this is it...real world again
a.k.a mArco asks
15 years ago
anong meron pag Thursday?
a.k.a mArco likes
15 years ago
the bora offer!!! woohooo
a.k.a mArco
15 years ago
off to SG and dinner with old frend
a.k.a mArco
15 years ago
SG later with new group...
a.k.a mArco
15 years ago
suddenly craves for PIZZA and chocolate cake...oh nose...