33Friends 10Fans
female Los Angeles, CA, United States
City of Ariel [MOD]

City of Ariel: Barsad (The Dark Knight Rises)
Throne of Shadows: Loki (MCU)
Tu Shanshu: Will LaMontagne (Criminal Minds)
11 years ago 13
[memes] I jizzed meme ideas all over bakerstreet, go comment and tell me which ones work for you.
11 years ago 1
[memes] Gregor Vorbanna from the Vorkosigan Saga at Master & Familiar.
11 years ago 6
I think Will's first network post might consist of him being completely and uncharacteristically blasted on opiates.
11 years ago 8
Man, it's been a while since I've beaten up on a character like I am on Will right now. I feel bad :-(
11 years ago 5
[meme] Where would you like our CR to go? Might be a little early for this in but Throne of Shadows and are fair game too.
11 years ago 12
It is surprising how much effort it is to make Will's tags have actually something to respond to. He's just so man-of-few-words.
11 years ago 7
Hay plurk, just to let y'all know who aren't close to me: I've been distant for a couple weeks because of basically a standardized testing panic spiral. Took the LSATs yesterday!
11 years ago 2
[tu shanshu] IC intro for Will LaMontagne, log post.