Yhang's modulus
10Friends 5Fans
female bacolod city, Philippines
She only came bake when she felt like it, in dreams and lies and broken-down deja vu.
Yhang's modulus shares
10 years ago
done reading The Selection Series.
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
God allows us to go through difficulties and hardships for a purpose, and that is to humble and test us. Jas. 1:3
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
The mark of biblical friends is that their friendship draws you closer to Christ. They sharpen you and motivate you to do the right thing.
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
Sometimes you have to learn to carry on without any companion because you need to understand that some things are worth to be done alone.
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
Be BIG enough to admit mistakes, be STRONG enough to correct them and be SMART enough to learn from them. 2 Cor. 12:9
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
Beauty is not about having a pretty face. It is about a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul.
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
He is my medicine when i'm in pain, my smile when i'm sad, my handkerchief when I cry and my life when I die. Living w/ JESUS is d best life
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
pag SWEET ang isang tao hindi ibig sabihin mahal ka na nila. TANDAAN: mayroong CANDY na SWEET pero naka balot sa PLASTIC.
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
" A girlfriend is nothing but mere parasite, they only get your time and money but not your love."
Yhang's modulus says
12 years ago
Happy people always have two things on their lips. SMILE to solve the problem and SILENCE to avoid the problem.