7Friends 5Fans
male Owasso, OK, United States
14 years ago
PT. Activate Media Nusantara, just sent their best wishes for our new office. Thanks!!! bit.ly/7LPNva
magnivate is
15 years ago
welcoming December with joy and excitement. We'll be having our end of year dinner tonight at Satoo, Shangri-La bit.ly/765LRT
15 years ago
We are currently testing our multiplayer game engine, and it's friggin' fun!! Mmmmmonster Kill!!! bit.ly/8eOny9
15 years ago
our developer nomoredistance and rizkysyazuli won best mash-up in #openhacksea great job! here's the app bit.ly/636R2B
15 years ago
#magnivate latest launch for ibudanbalita bit.ly/2aId1J mums, track your baby's growth with this digital scrapbooking!
15 years ago
our art director will appears in Binus Momentum talkshow on Sunday 15.11.09, 1500 - 1800 hour. Don't miss it
15 years ago
R wrk 4 Frisian Flag, www.pilihmana.com is featured in PaperVisionShowcase.com. Kudos to r Flash dvlpr team! bit.ly/GTzPb #magnivate
15 years ago
Our mutual work w/ Interaction, RED Comm and Hype Digital 4 Sony Bravia is highly commended in WPPED Cream Award 2009
15 years ago
RT bensoebiakto: If you want to see the future. Work with Magnivate!! www.magnivate.com
15 years ago 1
our creative director foxstep is so gonna speak at fgdexpo 2009 adf.ly/M3U