2Friends 2Fans
male Taipei, Taiwan
magichcp332 says
13 years ago 2
老師說得沒錯, 眼光要放遠一點 ... 不要把目標只設定在台灣的大學老師~ 畢竟全世界的人口還是持續增加中的 ... 香港中文大學的助理教授, 起薪就已經是台灣助理教授的三倍了耶~ 所以, 加油, 拼了 !!!! 不怕沒機會, 只怕機會來的時候, 自己還沒準備好而已 ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago 3
燒了~ (sick)
magichcp332 says
13 years ago 1
今天看了卓老師的照片後, 發現他真的很愛Minnesota耶 ... 上禮拜二突然決定要去 ... 禮拜四下午出發, 只呆了三天就跑回來 ... 去那邊也只是去看看以前的老師跟求學還有住過的地方而已 ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend zaps you back to reality ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend yells when you need to listen ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend xplains things you don't understand ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend walks besides you ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend values you ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend understands you ...
magichcp332 says
13 years ago
A friend tells you the truth when you need to hear it ...