19Friends 5Fans
female Indonesia
Fans berat MJ!!!!
Suka banget makan telor ceplok.....
I like to share with my friends...
m_dhika says
15 years ago
idih bego!!
m_dhika says
15 years ago
gak suka tp tetep didengerin... BEGO GAK SIH???
m_dhika says
15 years ago
ih gak jelas nih lagu as a blonde... gak suka!!!
m_dhika says
15 years ago
test 123
m_dhika says
15 years ago
more more more!!!!!!!
m_dhika says
15 years ago
the way I loved you...♥♡♥
m_dhika says
15 years ago
knapa dari dulu gue gak pernah ngerti plurk?????
m_dhika says
15 years ago
everything it's come naturally, it's come naturally when you with me baby... everything it's come naturally, it's come naturally, baby...
m_dhika says
15 years ago
You are the thunder and I'm the lightning... and I love the way you know who you are and to me it's exciting, when you know it's mean to be
m_dhika says
15 years ago
it was just to crush (crush-Selena Gomez)