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thought dump
2 weeks ago
i don't understand why I need to pee every morning before I've had any food or water. fluid moves through your system really quickly right? is more ending up in my bladder while I sleep due to food digestion / other processes somehow or is it just something about the time passed or circadian rhythm that makes my body decide to signal to me to pee?
2 weeks ago 22
I go so back and forth. one week I've decided I don't give a shit about anything and I just want to pass the time and subsist and the next I want to cry because I feel like I'm failing myself for not creating or doing anything of aesthetic value but I don't really cry so I'm just sitting there feeling restless wishing I could feel something more intensely th
2 weeks ago
stumbled across these really cute multimedia collaborative book report things(?) organized by a book club that some youtuber apparently does with their patrons
2 weeks ago
it's only 8:30pm but it's really foggy out already for some reason. walking around feels slightly eerie even though it's not even late. exciting!
3 weeks ago 2
honestly im not fine right now and I feel stuck
3 weeks ago 1
I don't really know how to square "factory farming is evil" with the fact that humans have been doing agriculture and animal husbandry for thousands of years
3 weeks ago
it's the new year babey
3 weeks ago 12
my new years 12:00 experience was driving home from work making a detour to get briefly on the freeway so I could see the fireworks the casino was doing right as they started while calling two friends on the east coast still awake for no reason while they played gd lol
3 weeks ago 14
scrabble is a nice way to spend time with my grandparents or sometimes just my dad, but I'm getting kind of tired of it as just a game. the most fun way to play and the most optimal way to play are not aligned
3 weeks ago
sometimes I think its a miracle that anything gets made at all