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lufpleh shares
11 years ago
Oculus Rift: Valve promises to take virtual reality to the masses : so many #SecondLife lessons already unlearned! but the potential is :-D
lufpleh shares
11 years ago
How The Media Consistently Gets Games Wrong - amazing, a common sense article on games / virtual worlds
lufpleh shares
11 years ago
Into The Atmosphere | Timelapse beautiful, made my morning :-)
11 years ago 1
Spy agencies infiltrate virtual worlds
NSA and GCHQ collect gamers' chats and deploy real-life agents into World of Warcraft and Second Life (LOL) :-D (LOL)
11 years ago
Reducing ingrained racism with virtual reality University of Barcelona: spending a few minutes in virtual reality can change people's perceptions #SL #SecondLife
lufpleh shares
11 years ago
Capturing your world; Impressively simple demo of tablet capturing 3D content of objects room & person Capturing your world in 3D #SL
lufpleh says
11 years ago 3
20th Century- dozens of markets of millions of consumers, 21st Century- millions of markets of dozens of consumers A world without shops or factories
lufpleh shares
11 years ago
How I became a password cracker :arstechnica worth a read to see how people construct their passwords & how vulnerable yours may be