2Friends 5Fans
female Joliet, IL, United States
loveless_sama 欲しい
12 years ago
to sleep..... and eat something....
loveless_sama wants
13 years ago
to roll around with ribbons... probably get tied up in the process, but wutever it'd be fun either way :3
loveless_sama is
13 years ago
Sorta tired.... =A= damn chocolate milk..... It's EVIL!!!!! But soo yummy..... Curse you and your tastiness~!
loveless_sama is
13 years ago
having a good time :3 take that stupid bedroom. ..... Now i'm hungry..... gonna go make something to eat.... dunno wut though
loveless_sama is
13 years ago
incredibly bored right now......
loveless_sama wonders
13 years ago
when they will ever finish their essay for class.......prolly never....
loveless_sama is
13 years ago 1
has just found the script for the first Episode of Code geass R3...... [is now reading].....
loveless_sama is
13 years ago
very glad that they got a 92% in their AP english synthesis presentation ^w^ sooo glad :3
13 years ago
almost lost it again for the second time....it soo lonely at school with all the seniors gone....i miss them.... :-(
loveless_sama is
13 years ago
Currently REALLYYY BORED!!!!!!! really wants to go and sleep......