Michael Bae Fox
65Friends 10Fans
male Straight Outta, Compton, United States
You either die a Trilogy, or you live long enough to see Ben Affleck become Batman.
Michael Bae Fox
8 years ago 1
Battlefield 1 Soundtrack - Menu Theme 1 Song that played when I found out they nerfed horses.
Michael Bae Fox
8 years ago
fellationship - Twitch No Man's Sky
Michael Bae Fox
8 years ago
fellationship - Twitch some ranked Overwatch. No 2nd monitor so might not reply right away.
Michael Bae Fox
8 years ago 2
Daaaaaaaaaang 109 fps in Rise of the Tomb Raider.
Michael Bae Fox
8 years ago 3
fellationship - Twitch a lil Overwatch then maybe Far Cry l8r
Michael Bae Fox
8 years ago 8
ayeeeeeeeee new pc lul