4Friends 6Fans
female Great Britain (UK)
loozeta says
15 years ago
sorry to German's who should have got stock news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8...
loozeta is
15 years ago
staggered by J packer www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/ep...
loozeta wonders
15 years ago
if has Enochlophobia or just not keen on sales shopping
loozeta wonders
15 years ago
what the worst Christmas cracker joke?
loozeta hopes
15 years ago
the snow will stop as needs to get to work today and tomorrow...eeeekk
loozeta is
15 years ago
grateful not having to go to work today thinking of those who did
loozeta has
15 years ago
a cold following night shifts Christmas is coming :-P
loozeta has
15 years ago
not plurked for a while, thus karma = ahh well hi all
loozeta is
15 years ago
hanging in 2 more days then off, how are you all?